About BankNet
BankNet is the OCC's secure website for sharing information with national banks and federal savings associations. BankNet is only available to OCC-regulated institutions and is not available to the public. The site contains information that is useful to bankers and directors in meeting their regulatory responsibilities. BankNet delivers confidential data on a secure platform that ensures both information security and data integrity.
- Learn more about the OCC charter.
- Register for a BankNet account.
- Learn about BankNet’s user roles.
BankNet account requests are approved or denied by BankNet Agents, who are bank representatives that manage access to the website. BankNet provides:
- Case Analysis Management Program (CAMP) - Manage and process consumer complaints filed with the OCC relative to your bank online.
- Large File Transfer Tool (LFT) - Electronically send files of any size to the OCC, including your "Response to the Request Letter.”
- Central Application Tracking System (CATS) - Draft, submit, and track Licensing and Public Welfare Investment notices and applications.
- CRA-QACR (CRA Qualifying Activity Confirmation Request) - Request a determination from the OCC whether an activity in which a bank is engaged, or is considering, qualifies for consideration in an evaluation of performance under the Community Reinvestment Act regulations.
- Canary - View your institution in relation to others on key ratios related to Credit Risk, Interest Rate Risk, and Liquidity Risk.
- Money Laundering Risk System (MLR) - Submit your MLR report online.
- Secure Email - A communication channel between your bank and the OCC.
- Assessments - File your bank assessment information with the OCC online and use the Assessment calculator.
- Ask OCC - Ask general questions to the OCC. Senior Management
- Calendar of Events – View OCC events and training workshops.
- Quarterly Summaries of OCC Bulletins - Quickly scan executive summaries of all OCC Bulletins & Comptroller's Speeches.
- Stress Test Tools - Tools for Agricultural loans, Acquisition & Development loans, Individual Commercial Real Estate loans, and the new Portfolio Commercial Real Estate Stress Test.
- Regulatory Capital Estimation Tool - Estimate regulatory capital for your institution.